The second edition of the ‘COP 29 Azerbaijan’ program, organized in collaboration with the Turkish World Monitoring Center under the framework of UN Talks, was held.

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  • The second edition of the ‘COP 29 Azerbaijan’ program, organized in collaboration with the Turkish World Monitoring Center under the framework of UN Talks, was held.

As part of the UN Talks, the second programme with the theme of “COP 29 AZERBAIJAN”, organised in cooperation with the Turkic World Monitoring Centre, was held. The theme of the programme was “Water Resources and Climate Change: Decreasing Water Resources, Drought Risk and Water Management Policies in Azerbaijan”. Beyza Alpaslan, who was the speaker in the dialogue, included the researches on water resources and climate change in Azerbaijan in her presentation. In the continuation of the programme, attention was drawn to the decrease in water resources and the risk of drought in Azerbaijan and the water management policies implemented and targeted by Azerbaijan were mentioned.

During the programme, Gülşah Bakırlı, General Manager of ProPM Engineering and Consultancy Services Company, made assessments.  Bakırlı stated that the decrease in water resources in Azerbaijan will have significant effects on many sectors, especially agriculture. Some policies and standards developed by the Azerbaijan Standard Organisation for the sustainable management of water resources were also included. Within the scope of ISO standards, it was stated that various measures such as the development of effective solutions, the increase and recovery of water resources, and the development of infrastructure are needed. The importance of global co-operation and diplomacy in combating the risk of diminishing water resources and climate change was mentioned. At the end of the programme, it was emphasised that with COP 29, Azerbaijan can seize important opportunities in terms of global cooperation for the fight against the decrease in water resources and climate change.

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