Diplomacy Academy Held its May Meeting

At the May meeting hosted by Ankara Bilim University in cooperation with Divan Research and Education Association & ODTÜ BİR DER, Diplomacy Academy participants came together with the theme “Crises, Security and Future Perspectives in the Middle East and its Surroundings”.

The program started with the opening speech of Mr. Nevzat Kocasaraç, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Divan Association. Then, the opening part of the program was completed with the online participant address by Divan Association Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Alptekin Cihangir İşbilir.

After the opening speeches, informative presentations were made by the Diplomacy Academy participants. First, the title of “Renewable Energy Plans of the States in the Middle East” was discussed by Ahmet Hasan Arslan, one of the participants of the Energy Workshop, while Ceren Kurnaz made the presentation titled “Energy Security Policies of Central Asian Countries”.

In the second session of the program, Muhsin Eren Güney, a participant of the Cyber Diplomacy and Intelligence Workshop, made a presentation titled ‘Cyber Warfare and Cyberspace Approaches in Türkiye,’ and Necip Fazıl Ayçiçek presented on ‘The Israeli Problem in the Middle East and Intelligence Organizations.’ Later, Gülendam Karaca, a participant of the Gulf Workshop, discussed the Iraq Development Road, and Ahmed Hafız explained the changing dynamics of the country following the appointment of the new emir of Kuwait.

In the last session of the program, North Africa Workshop participant Mehmet Akif Uçar made his presentation titled “October 7 Events and Egyptian Foreign Policy”. Then, while Defense and Security Workshop participant Muhammed Taha Güney discussed the topic “Ontological Security Issue”, the third session of the program ended with Levant Workshop participant Süheybe Yıldırım’s presentation titled “Palestine as an Antithesis to the Universality of Human Rights”.

The May meeting, which took place with the theme “Crises, Security and Future Perspectives in the Middle East and its Surroundings”, ended after the closing session.