This Week in Presentations on the COP-29 Azerbaijan Theme within the Scope of the “UN Talks” Program

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  • This Week in Presentations on the COP-29 Azerbaijan Theme within the Scope of the “UN Talks” Program

The last of the presentations on the theme of COP-29 Azerbaijan, carried out within the scope of the ‘UN Talks’ programme, was held this week. At the beginning of the programme, Divan Association Turkish World Monitoring Centre coordinator Kübra Özdemir stated that the ten-week period in which the COP-29 theme was covered has been completed and the presentations of the participants were published on the Divan Association website as an analysis. Özdemir also stated that the second leg of the COP-29 theme will continue until November with presentations by experts in their fields. In this evening’s presentation, Mücahit Emre Batman, ‘Climate Change Policies and Strategies: Azerbaijan’s Policy Measures, National Strategies and International Cooperation in Combating Climate Change’. Batman comprehensively explained the steps taken by Azerbaijan on climate change from past to present and Azerbaijan’s path to COP-29. It was stated that the main directions of Azerbaijan’s environmental policies are sustainable development, energy efficiency and solution criticism, and the tasks to be performed by Azerbaijan in order to realise these main directions were mentioned. It was underlined that these tasks include environmental quality, welfare improvement, the principle of justice and the protection of the natural environment. Azerbaijan’s goal of reaching 30 per cent renewable energy utilisation capacity by 2030, which it has committed to within the framework of the UN Climate Plan, was one of the issues emphasised in the presentation. Batman also presented Azerbaijan’s national strategies and ongoing programmes on climate change. Finally, Batman gave detailed information on the international organisations that Azerbaijan cooperates with on global warming and climate change, and concluded his presentation by mentioning the bilateral agreements Azerbaijan has made with other states.

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