Virtual Diplomacy Ambassadors

Our project aims to improve the basic skills and competences of young people, including young people with limited opportunities, by providing more opportunities for learning mobility and strengthening the links between the youth field and the labor market.

Promote active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, participation in democratic life and the labor market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, and solidarity in Europe; promote the improvement of the quality of youth work through increased cooperation between institutions/organizations and other stakeholders in the youth field.

To support the recognition of non-formal and informal learning at local, regional and national level, through better use of transparency, recognition tools and dissemination of good practices, in particular for Programme and Partner Country stakeholders

to contribute to the development of young people's capacities by promoting mobility and cooperation among young people.

The Camp in the project will be held in Istanbul between 17-27 June 2023 with the participation of participants from partner institutions. In the camp program; In addition to active, non-formal and informal learning methods and techniques such as Ice-Breakers, Post-it & Question-Answer, Quiz, Expectations, Contributions, Concerns, Group Work, Questionnaire and Form, Simulation, Drama, Case Study, Interview, Discussion / Brainstorming, many workshop trainings will be given.

These workshops are: Youthpass training, Project writing, Active citizenship, Humanitarian Diplomacy, Digitalized World and Digital Diplomacy, Peace Building, New Media, Digital Diplomacy Applications.

Participants between the ages of 18 and 30 who live in Turkey and in the provinces of the project partner organizations, who are closely interested in politics, policy and diplomacy, who aim to specialize in these fields and to have a job in this field in the future, who speak English at a sufficient level, who are currently studying or have graduated from undergraduate, graduate and/or postgraduate studies in the fields of International Relations, Law, Sociology, Humanitarian Aid.


In accordance with the aim of our project, our objectives are as follows:

- To make young people aware of humanitarian diplomacy and the innocent victims of conflicts,

- Young people need to know how diplomatic decisions are made,

- How diplomatic decisions affect the world and how real diplomats act,

- Evaluate the digitalizing world and the new environment brought by digitalization,

- To recognize effective digital diplomacy strategy and best practices by learning digital diplomacy and implementation channels,

- Strengthening young people's personal, social, and civic competences,

- Increasing young people's skills such as collaboration and networking,

- Improving ICT skills of young people,

- Knowledge and awareness of European opportunities through Youthpass, European Solidarity Corps and non-formal learning


- To increase skills such as cooperation and networking.

Project trainings will be face-to-face with a camp to be organized in Istanbul.

Training Camp June 17-27, 2023



European Youth Center Breclav

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)