Field Works

Gaziantep – Hatay – Kilis Field Work

Fieldwork was held in Gaziantep-Hatay-Kilis on 14-25 December with 30 participants. In the provinces visited within the scope of this fieldwork, institutions such as AFAD, Directorate of Migration Management, Red Crescent and IHH were visited.Observations were made on the harmonization efforts for the Syrian people under temporary protection status and the local people living in the region. After the field work, Syria Field Study Report, which also includes the literature, is being prepared besides psychological, sociological, international relations, diplomatic, civil society studies etc. the Syria Field Study Report, which includes the literature.

KKTC Field Work

Fieldwork was carried out in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 25-28 October with 19 participants. Within the scope of this fieldwork, Maarif Foundation, Yunus Emre Institute, Near East University, Turkish Embassy were visited and a Youth Meeting was held with KKTC President Ersin Tatar as well as seeing and examining various historical and cultural places. The program was made with KKTC Non-Governmental Organization Representatives and consultations took place.  After the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus field work,The TRNC Field Study Report, which also includes the literature, is being prepared in addition to the observations of the participants which also includes topics such as sociological, international relations, diplomatic, civil society studies etc…

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)