Diplomacy Ambassadors Club

The aims of Diplomacy Ambassadors Club are to serve as a center that supplies self-improvement and active participation of youths. Young candidates need to be academically prosperous and at the level of high school, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree to be accepted. It enables young participants who possess national and moral values to reach services such as reading sessions, workshop sessions, and training with which participants can develop themselves in some fields like diplomacy, foreign politics, security, history, politics, geography, international exchange.

In order to help participants get more knowledgeable in the related fields, workshops of Volunteerism, Humanitarian Diplomacy, and Hello Africa belonging to Diplomacy Ambassadors Club conduct field operations in addition to reading, reporting, analyzing, and presenting sessions.

In the Diplomacy Ambassadors Club, youngsters are ensured to receive eligible services to contribute to their cultural, artistic, and intellectual development, and additionally, that providing books in a variety that is able to meet the expectations of youngsters, who are from different disciplines and have interests in particular domains, is cared. Diplomacy Ambassadors Club incredibly contributes to making reading and library culture common.

  • Those who successfully complete the interview with our coordination crew after applying online through our website.
  • Those who have conducted works voluntarily, have had NGO experience, and are educationally hardworking.
  • Those who are between 16-26 years old, and high school, undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral students, or graduates, primarily from Sultangazi District.
  • Preferably individuals who at least know a language at the beginner degree.
  1. Workshop of Volunteerism

Thanks to the education granted in the Workshop of Volunteerism, forming civil society awareness and suggesting the culture of volunteerism to the individuals get aimed. Also, endowing the participants with distinct qualifications and capabilities is the other purpose.

Members of the Workshop of Volunteerism not only sustain reading and reporting about the notion of volunteerism, principles, and fundamentals of volunteerism, consciousness, and activities of volunteerism but also conduct some activities such as debates, seminars, interviews, visits to institutions, field operations.

The Workshop of Volunteerism aims to help candidates become qualified and aware of how a volunteer should act and contribute to the process during situations of need and crisis, additionally, to direct them to the fields of volunteerism that are psychosocially suitable for them.

  1. Workshop of Hello Africa

The Workshop of Africa, covering the subjects such as the history of Africa, the colonialism era, and independence movements in the continent, provides a range of beneficial studies to the young ones who develop themselves and want to promulgate the contributions of Turkey to Africa. In the extent of this workshop, works about humanitarian emergency, crises, conflicts, peace-building, humanitarian diplomacy, and humanitarian aid are carefully covered.

  1. Workshop of Humanitarian Diplomacy

When evaluating the conflict regions involving Turkey, it is possible for new conflicts at both micro and macro degrees to be within the bounds of possibility. As the impacts of the recent conflicts have been subsisting for many years, it is vital to carry systematic and serious works out for post-war peace-building. For that purpose, it is a quite critical need to train experts, field staff, and volunteers as soon as possible. Only training the experts and analysts, who know the field well, is not enough to overcome problems. Additionally, relevant studies are carried out in this workshop in order to activate the field staff, with the establishment of mechanisms that will perform functions such as observation, aid delivery, mediation, balancing sociology, calming, managing perception, and healing wounds in the field.

In the extent of workshops, reading sessions, seminars, visits to governmental agencies, field operations in Turkey and abroad take place.

Studies are maintained interactively and dynamically via face-to-face meetings and online platforms.

To the participants, who regularly attend the workshop studies and are successful, will be able to;

  • Possess a chance to intern in our association, and government agencies
  • Have a chance to attend field operations both in Turkey and abroad
  • Visit government agencies such as the Presidency of the Turkish Republic, TIKA, YTB, the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Benefit from the training and workshops for free.
  • Get a certificate of attendance.
  • Get a datebook, ball pen, magnet, and more.

‘‘Diplomacy Ambassadors Club’’ is sponsored by the Ministry of Interior of the Turkish Republic.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)